
What does cheating say about a person?

We all know cheating is a bad thing to do and experience, but why do individuals do it in the first place? What does cheating say about a person?

Is it because they lack a moral compass, or is it more serious?

What does cheating say about a person?

Continue reading to learn shocking facts about cheating:

They are dissatisfied with their relationship

If your initial reaction to this headline is, “Well, that’s no excuse!” you’re correct. Of course, it’s not an excuse, but it’s a typical cause for cheaters to confess when they’re discovered. Rather than gracefully exiting a relationship, some people seek solace in the arms of another.

They may be having an emotional or sexual affair, but their dissatisfaction manifests via these infidelity acts. Here are seven distinct sorts of cheating to consider with that in mind.

It’s reasonable to ask why your spouse cheated on you and claimed it was because they were unhappy if they didn’t just tell you about their problems.

That is a valid point; yet, sadness may lead to a breakdown in communication, physical and verbal affection, as well as anger and frustration.

They are fearful

If there’s one thing adultery reveals about a person, it’s their insecurity. Their fears drive them to seek acceptance and attention all the time, and guess what?

If you don’t provide it in buckets and spades, they’ll start seeking it elsewhere.

So, where did this feeling of uneasiness come from?

From childhood, they may have been deprived of affection and attention, or they may have been subjected to some abuse. They haven’t recovered from a bad relationship in the past. They’ve developed anxieties as a result of witnessing others in unhealthy partnerships.

The sad reality is that cheaters who cheat out of insecurity are enslaved by their demons. They may want to do the right thing, but they have a strong need, a need, to be validated.

They go so far as to put a perfectly happy relationship in jeopardy.

They have difficulty with commitment

We’ve all encountered commitment-phobes at some time — they appear to be fine until the relationship heats up, at which point the bolt.

And, sometimes, that door leads to someone else. This is a self-destructive practice since these people want to love and affection deep within. They yearn for safety.

But their phobia is more significant than their desire, and they’ll keep repeating this painful cycle until they address their concerns and apprehensions about being devoted to one person.

The saddest thing is this:

Commitment apprehension is not a personality trait that develops with time. According to studies, adults who had weak bonds as children are more prone to cheat than adults.

This is due to the fact that they might have:

I’ve been in and out of the foster care system several times (never building a solid attachment to any parental figure)

Abused or neglected as a child?

Having grown up with narcissistic or addicted parents? Have you ever lived in a home where there was a lot of abuse and toxic behaviors? (even if not aimed directly at said child)

If your spouse has cheated on you and says it’s because they’re afraid of settling down and committing, you should encourage them to see a therapist.

They will end up destroying intimate relationships if they do not seek expert therapy, and they will never be able to recover from their horrific childhood.

They lack emotional maturity

People betray because they are emotionally immature and unable to manage the commitment and responsibility that comes with being in a relationship.

And since they lack the maturity to cope with it, they search for ways to get away, which usually involves playing around in secret.

Because of their emotional immaturity, they have trouble understanding the sentiments of other adults – in that way, you may think of them as children (who act out of impulse rather than rationality and consideration).

Also, not surprisingly:

As a result, people frequently struggle to accept responsibility for their acts.

Despite the fact that they cheat, they nevertheless regard themselves as victims. They refuse to acknowledge their involvement in ending the relationship or harming their partner, which can be difficult for their SO to deal with.

They’re incredibly self-centered

Selfishness can be classified as part of the larger category of emotional immaturity, but it can also result from a strong feeling of entitlement.

In every scenario, they prioritize themselves. They are prepared to cause harm to people they claim to love in order to achieve their desires.

A greedy individual will not only deceive but will also display a number of other warning indicators. Therefore, observe how they treat people on a regular basis; their interactions will reveal this nasty tendency.

And here’s the worst part:

Selfish people frequently have two rules: one for others and one for themselves. They despise being duped, but they’ll gladly do it to others since it doesn’t happen to them.

What a load of nonsense!

They have a poor sense of self-worth

Insecurities and low self-esteem go hand in hand. Low self-esteem and infidelity are other factors. People who lack confidence will occasionally cheat in order to “get there first.”

In other words, they reject their spouse before they can reject them. It’s almost as though it’s a protective mechanism from being injured. An extremely harmful and destructive defense mechanism.

Because of their poor self-esteem, individuals become overly reliant on the connection. It becomes an integral part of their persona. However, they get so connected that they are afraid of the relationship ending.

It’s a sad tale all around because they don’t comprehend that every time they destroy a relationship or a loved one’s trust, their self-esteem plummets.

This is another loop that will continue unless the individual regains control of their emotions and mental health, invests in recovery, and seeks help.

They have the ability to deceive

This is a no-brainer, but if the cheater doesn’t admit their adultery right immediately, they’re content to keep it hidden. Furthermore, depending on the length of their affair, it’s likely that they’ve become great liars in order to conceal all evidence.

Consider the following scenario:

It’s not only disguising the fact that you’re meeting up with someone else; it’s also keeping track of all the text messages, phone conversations, and receipts from out-of-town dinners.

Not to mention the need to change clothes to get rid of any lingering perfume/aftershave odors! Nowadays, cheating on the internet is much easier, which adds a whole new level to dishonesty.

All of this necessitates effort. A sloppy, clumsy individual wouldn’t be able to get away with cheating unless they had their act together and planned every step.

After all, a cheater’s joy comes from sneaking around and remaining one step ahead of their (often) unsuspecting spouse. But just because they’ve adapted to lying like a duck to water doesn’t mean they’ll get away with it — lookout for these telltale symptoms that your lover is cheating.

Final Thoughts

What does cheating say about a person? It’s evident from the items above that cheating practices can stem from a variety of sources, ranging from early concerns to harmful role models. However, one point that cannot be overstated is how cheating reflects them, not you.

It’s tempting to blame yourself when someone looks uninterested in remaining committed. It’s easy to lose sleep wondering where you went wrong. What did you do to earn this? What you could have done differently if you could go back in time.

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