
“Dream of” vs. “dream about”. Is there a difference?

Do you dream of flying? Or dream about flying? What’s the difference? The answer may surprise you. “Dream of” is used when dreaming about a specific activity or thing that you want to do. “Dream about” is used when dreaming about someone or something in general. So, if you dream of being a professional basketball player, that would be an example of using “dream of.” If you dream about your best friend, that would be an example of using “dream about.” The main difference is that “dream of” is more specific than “dream about.”

Dream about x dream of

The main difference is that “dream of” is more specific than “dream about.” dream of doing something vs dream about doing something The first one indicates that it’s a recurrent dream and you want it to come true. The second one means that you have dreamt about it once or maybe twice but it’s not something you desperately want to achieve. dream of someone vs dream about someone When you dream of someone, it means that this person is important to you and they might represent something in your life. For example, if you dream of your mother, she might represent strength and support in your life. On the other hand, if you dream about your mother, it means that she is on your mind but she might not have a significant meaning in your life. dream of something vs dream about something When you dream of something, it means that this thing is important to you and it might represent something in your life. For example, if you dream of a house, it might represent your dream of having a family and a stable home life. On the other hand, if you dream about a house, it means that the idea of owning a house is on your mind but it’s not something you’re actively pursuing.

The main difference is that “dream of” is more specific than “dream about.” dream of doing something vs dream about doing something The first one indicates that it’s a recurrent dream and you want it to come true. The second one means that you have dreamt about it once or maybe twice but it’s not something you desperately want to achieve. dream of someone vs dream about someone When you dream of someone, it means that this person is important to you and they might represent something in your life. For example, if you dream of your mother, she might represent strength and support in your life. On the other hand, if you dream about your mother, it means that she is on your mind but she might not have a significant meaning in your life. dream of something vs dream about something When you dream of something, it means that this thing is important to you and it might represent something in your life. For example, if you dream of a house, it might represent your dream of having a family and a stable home life. On the other hand, if you dream about a house, it means that the idea of owning a house is on your mind but it’s not something you’re actively pursuing.

Dream about doing something The second one means that you have dreamt about it once or maybe twice but it’s not something you desperately want to achieve. dream of someone vs dream about someone When you dream of someone, it means that this person is important to you and they might represent something in your life. For example, if you dream of your mother, she might represent strength and support in your life.

Dream of doing something vs dream about doing something

The first one indicates that it’s a recurrent dream and you want it to come true. The second one means that you have dreamt about it once or maybe twice but it’s not something you desperately want to achieve.

For example, if you dream of becoming a doctor, it means that this is something you have thought about for a while now and you would like to make it happen. On the other hand, if you dream about becoming a doctor, it means that the idea has crossed your mind but you’re not sure if you really want to commit to it.

dream of someone vs dream about someone

When you dream of someone, it means that this person is important to you and they might represent something in your life. For example, if you dream of your mother, she might represent strength and support in your life. On the other hand, if you dream about your mother, it means that she is on your mind but she might not have a significant meaning in your life.

dream of something vs dream about something

When you dream of something, it means that this thing is important to you and it might represent something in your life. For example, if you dream of a house, it might represent your dream of having a family and a stable home life. On the other hand, if you dream about a house, it means that the idea of owning a house is on your mind but it’s not something you’re actively pursuing.

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